Today we're talking DIY Pottery Barn book page pumpkins & I'm going to walk you through making your own. I was able to create these pumpkins for under $3. If you're visiting from Instagram, Facebook, or Youtube, welcome! I'm so glad you're here! If you missed my last DIY posts click, here. Disclaimer: this post may contain affiliate links. This helps me continue to provide you with How-To DIY projects as well as really helpful blog posts. To learn more about what affiliate links are click, here. Pottery Barn book page pumpkins are one of the easiest DIY's this season! I can't wait to show you how you can create your own for under $3.
This is a project that is very quick to complete & can even be done with children. For this particular DIY I'm making two, but you can definitely make several using the following tools.
I first fell in love with these gorgeous pumpkins when I visited Pottery Barn. The texture is what first drew me to them. Upon returning back home & searching for them online I sadly realized they were sold out! That is one word I absolutely can't stand, so I made a split decision to make them instead of waiting until they returned in stock.
Am I the only person who sees something somewhere & automatically says - I can make that...? Don't leave me hanging here guys! I know I can't be the only one!
I've also provided helpful underlined links below for you to purchase your supplies.
What you'll need for this project:
- Mod Podge (it comes in matte, or gloss)
- Foam brushes (I love this pack of 25)
- Scissors ( I love that these come in a two pack)
Ready to get started?
If reading is not your thing, you're in luck - this post has an accompanying video. I'd love to have you join me on my youtube channel. If if you love DIY tutorials I even have a playlist just for them! Don't forget to leave me a comment & hit subscribe, so we can stay in touch!
Step One: Remove any tags from your pumpkins. You don't want anything sticking out that could cause an issue with the pages properly adhering to your pumpkins.
Step Two: Get to cutting. This part can be tedious, but trust me it will be worth it in the end. Feel free to cut your strips of paper horizontally or vertically. There is no rhyme or reason to this process, just do what you think will look best in your space.
Tip: You could also take this time to paint your pumpkin with some leftover white paint- if you are afraid that the orange will show through.
Step Three: Gently remove your stems & start adding a thin coat of glue & placing your strips over your pumpkin. If you purchased the pumpkins from the link above they should be easy to remove. A small toothpick is the only thing holding the styrofoam into place. Continue adding glue & strips all over your pumpkin(s) until it is completely covered.
Step Four: Dry time. Place your pumpkins in a location that they can dry without being disturbed for about 15- 20 minutes.
Step Five: Revisit step number three if your pumpkin is in need of more coverage. Follow up with step number four.
If your pumpkins are starting to look like the picture shown above, you are on the right track! Don't be afraid to add more paper if you feel that it's not covered the way you'd like it. I had to repeat steps three and four, about three times but it was worth it! I wanted to make sure that the bright orange wasn't peeking through.
Next, I left my pumpkins to dry overnight, but it's not required if you do light coats of glue.
Here's my finished product! I really hope this is a project that you will try at home, share with friends & let me know how you enjoyed it. Thanks again for stopping by, I enjoy our time together. If you like posts like this one don't forget to subscribe to my blog, so you & I can stay in touch!
What do you think? If you have any questions, comments, tips or tricks to add to my DIY Pottery Barn Book Page Pumpkins blog post, please share them in the comments below. I love connecting with you guys!